1. University of Dubuque Theologic Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa
Believing that the love of our triune God enables love of others and faithful witness to our lives in Christ, interfaith friendships are a testimony to the incarnational nature and power of God’s love. Such friendships not only provide the means for overcoming the growing fear, hostility, and distrust of the religious other among us, they also allow God to love us through the stranger. In so doing, we welcome the living Christ who dwells in our midst, relying on his Spirit to draw each of us closer to the compassionate heart of God.
Reference28 articles.
1. A common word between us and you (2010) In: Volf M, Bin Muhammad G, Yarrington M (eds.) A Common Word: Muslims and Christians on Loving God and Neighbor. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, pp. 28–50.