Making research integral to home care services


Lang Ariella1,Shamian Judith2,Goodwin Sharon1


1. VON Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

2. International Council of Nurses, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.


Home care is the fastest growing segment of the Canadian healthcare system, yet research on patient safety has been conducted predominantly in institutional settings. This is a case example of how Victorian Order of Nurses Canada, a national not-for-profit home and community care provider, embedded a nurse researcher to create an environment in which health services research flourished. This model strategically propelled important issues such as home care safety on to the national research and policy agendas and helped leverage change in multiple levels of the healthcare system. This is a call to action for building partnerships to have a researcher as an integral team member in organizations providing home care services.


SAGE Publications


Health Policy

Reference21 articles.

1. Hermus G, Stonebridge C, Theriault L, Bounajm F. Home and Community Care in Canada: an Economic Footprint. New York, NY: Conference Board of Canada; 2012:66.

2. Safety in home care: a broadened perspective of patient safety

3. Canadian Institute for Health Information. Health Care in Canada 2011: A Focus on Seniors and Aging. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Author; 2011.

4. Broadening the Patient Safety Agenda to Include Home Care Services







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