1. Financialization
2. Ansong D, Okumu M, Huang J, et al. (2020) Financial capability and asset building in social and economic development: Advancing the sustainable development goals. CSD Perspective No. 20-27, November. Center for Social Development, Washington University. Available at: https://openscholarship.wustl.edu/csd_research/914/
3. Beyond Social Services (2020) Household incomes, arrears, and impacts on employment: Preliminary findings from beyond social services’s COVID-19 study, December. Available at: https://beyondresearch.sg/Preliminary%20Findings%E2%80%94BSS%20COVID-19%20Study_Dec2020.pdf (accessed 22 August 2022).
4. Brandmeir K, Grimm M, Holzhaus A (2018) Allianz global wealth report 2018. Allianz, Munich, September.
5. The Routledge Handbook on Financial Social Work