1. Department of Public Health, Policy and Social Science, Swansea University, UK; Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (Wiserd), Cardiff University School of Social Sciences, UK
2. Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (Wiserd), Cardiff University School of Social Sciences, UK
3. Centre of Applied Dementia Studies, University of Bradford, Faculty of Health Studies, UK
4. Centre for Research in Ageing and Cognitive Health (REACH), School of Psychology, University of Exeter, UK
5. PenCLAHRC, University of Exeter Medical School, UK
6. Centre for Research in Ageing and Cognitive Health (REACH), School of Psychology, University of Exeter, UK; PenCLAHRC, University of Exeter Medical School, UK; Wellcome Centre for Cultures and Environments of Health, University of Exeter, UK