1. Urdversità degli Studi di Milano, Cattedra di Chirurgia Plastica – Unità Operativa di Chirurgia Plastica 2, IRCCS Istituto Clinico Humanitas, Milano, Italy
Nasogastric intubation has become a frequently used method for alleviating gastrointestinal symptoms. Necrosis from alar pressure during prolonged nasogastric and nasotracheal intubation is common, and can result in considerable deformity if it is unrecognized. The reconstruction of full-thickness alar wounds often requires multiple challenging surgical procedures. Difficult full-thickness alar defects often require nasal mucosal replacement for lining, cartilage batten graft support for the preservation of nasal function, and skin coverage for the restoration of an aesthetically correct appearance. Free composite conchal grafting can offer a single-staged, one-step repair of difficult full-thickness alar wounds that are no larger than 1.5 cm in size. A thorough explanation of the graft design and execution is presented, as well as a case report and literature review. Free composite con-chal grafting can produce aesthetic and functional results that rival the most sophisticated flap reconstructions of the lateral ala.
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12 articles.