1. Eye Clinic, Clinical Centre Zvezdara Dimitrija Tucovica, Medical School Belgrade, Belgrade
2. Istitute for Medicine Statistics, Medical School Belgrade, Belgrase - Serbia
3. Institute for Ophtholmology, Medical School Belgrade, Belgrade - Serbia
Purpose This clinical study was performed to determine the presence of refractive errors and binocular dysfunctions in a population of university students. Methods Refraction and binocular function were evaluated in a young patient population (230 students and 234 nonstudent subjects, aged 18–27 years). Distance visual acuity (DVA) and near visual acuity (NVA), refraction, cover test (CT), ocular motility, near-point of convergence, horizontal phoria measurement by Maddox wing, negative and positive vergence amplitude in prism diopters, fusion amplitude in synoptophore, as well as stereoacuity (Titmus test) were tested. Results Emmetropia was the most frequent refractive status in our student and nonstudent groups (78.7%). Myopia was the most frequent refractive disorder in the whole population (13.1%). Myopia and hypermetropia were significantly more frequent in the students than in nonstudents (X2emp 47.55). Exophoria is significantly more frequent in myopic subjects. Vergence amplitude (t test 0.000) and fusion amplitude (t test 0.005) show significantly lower values in student population. Results of Titmus test in the student group is significantly worse than in the nonstudent group (t test 0.000). Maddox wing resulted in significantly higher degree of heterophoria in the student population (t test 0.000). Myopic subjects, in the student group (t test 0.002) as well as in the nonstudent group (t test 0.001), show significantly better results in Titmus test. Conclusions High near visual demand could be the most important factor for higher incidence of myopia, worse convergence and fusion amplitude, higher degree of exophoria, and worse results in Titmus test in the student population.
Ophthalmology,General Medicine
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11 articles.