1. Butler, Guy Guy Butler: A Bibliography comp John Read intro Catherine Woeber 116pp NELM Bibliographic Series No. 5 , National English Literary Museum ( Grahamstown) pa R26.22.
2. Coetzee, J.M. 'Bibliography' comp Richard Samin and Jean Sèvry Commonwealth Essays and Studies (Dijon) Special Issue (SP3) pp32-39.
3. Head, Bessie Bessie Head: A Bibliography comp Craig MacKenzie and Catherine Woeber intro Craig MacKenzie 103pp illus new expanded edition NELM Bibliographic Series No. 1, National English Literary Museum (Grahamstown) pa R28.40.
4. Afrika, Tatamkulu Dark Rider ed Robert Berold 131 pp Snailpress ( Plumstead, Cape Town) & Mayibuye Books (Private Bag X17, Bellville, Cape 7535) pa R37.62.
5. Cadle, Jill Nature Poems and Puzzles 85pp Edubooks (Pietermaritzburg) pa R22.55 [1990].