1. Literary Encyclopedia Part 10: The Literature and Culture of South and East Asia Area Eds Claire Gallien, Pavan Malready, Delphine Munos, Muneeza Shamsie, Niaz Zaman www.Litencyc.com
2. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban Literary Studies ed Jeremy Tambling 1991pp Palgrave Macmillan (Cham) Hb£449 e-book $427 [includes “Karachi”, “Peshawer” and some individual authors].
3. Akhtar, Rizwan “A Valentine Day’s Poem” Pat’s Guide: Glasgow West End Feb https://www.glasgowwestend.co.uk/a-valentines-day-poem-by-rizwan-akhtar
4. ——“For the Love of Exaggeration and Other Poems” Autonym 20 Feb. https://www.theantonymmag.com/for-the-love-of-exaggeration-and-other-poems-rizwan-akhtar/
5. ——“Demands” Ink Sweat and Tears 31 Mar https://inksweatandtears.co.uk/rizwan-akhtar-3/