Qualitative Research as a Basis for Transforming an Annual Plague Into an Economic and Nutrition Opportunity for Youths and Their Families in Madagascar: “From Harmful to Useful Critters” for Sustainable Development


Ratompoarison Christian1,Zo Jariseta Rambeloson2ORCID,Rambeloson Jafetra3,Seidel Renata4ORCID,Rejela Christian5


1. University of Antananarivo, Antananarivo, Madagascar

2. Independent Researcher (Mihary Project), Alexandria, VA, USA

3. George Mason University, Volgeneau School of Engineering, Fairfax, VA, USA

4. Independent Researcher, Evanston, IL, USA

5. National Center of Locust Control, University of Toliara, Madagascar


Background: Madagascar is among the 10 highest burden countries for malnutrition. Protein-energy malnutrition, anemia, and vitamin deficiencies are major public health problems. Hunger is exacerbated by an annual locust invasion. The current policy of large-scale government spraying of pesticides from planes is logistically complex, costly, and damaging to the environment. Objective: Our research aimed to study the feasibility of turning the locust invasion into a protein-rich food supply for families and an economic opportunity for youth. Methods: We conducted 20 focus group discussions (FGDs) with females and males aged 18–24 and 25 years or older and with female artisans in 6 swarm communes in Madagascar’s south to understand enablers and barriers to collection, preparation, and consumption of locusts. Results: Enablers include consumption by all ages in Antandroy culture and perception of locusts as a delicacy, tasty, and free. Family members have different roles in the collection and preparation of locusts. Local technologies for mass collection include digging trenches in fields and entrapment via sisal netting. Common preparations include boiling in salted water, drying, skewering, frying, and grinding locusts into flour. Disablers include pesticide contamination of locusts and the view that locusts are a famine food. Conclusion: Our research provided a first step in demonstrating the feasibility of transforming locust infestations into economic and nutritional opportunities in a fragile environment with high levels of poverty and malnutrition. It contributes to advocacy in Madagascar to end the use of pesticides. It responds to the government desire to address the protein-energy malnutrition burden and youth poverty in an integrated way.


SAGE Publications


Nutrition and Dietetics,Geography, Planning and Development,Food Science

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5. Institut National de la Statistique (INSTAT), UNICEF. Enquête nationale sur la situation socio-démographique des ménages (MICS): les indicateurs restent faibles pour Madagascar. Published July 2, 2019. Accessed May 20, 2023. https://www.unicef.org/madagascar/communiqués-de-presse/enquête-nationale-sur-la-situation-socio-démographique-des-ménages-mics-les.

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