1. Why Parties?
2. Aldrich, John H. and David W. Rohde (2000) `The Consequences of Party Organization in the House: The Role of the Majority and Minority Parties in Conditional Party Government', in Jon Bond and Richard Fleisher (eds) Polarized Politics: Congress and the President in a Partisan Era, pp. 31—72. Washington, DC: CQ Press.
3. Aldrich, John H. and David W. Rohde (2001) `The Logic of Conditional Party Government: Revisiting the Electoral Connection', in Lawrence C. Dodd and Bruce I. Oppenheimer (eds) Congress Reconsidered (7th edn), pp. 269—92. Washington, DC: CQ Press.
4. The Contemporary Presidency: Polarization and White House/Legislative Relations: Causes and Consequences of Elite-Level Conflict