Everyday Substance Insecurity Among Homeless Injection Drug Users in Israel’s Largest Open Drug Scene


Bonny-Noach Hagit1,Ronel Natti2


1. Ariel University, Israel

2. Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel


Limited attention has been given to Homeless Injection Drug Users (HIDUs) perceived need for illegal substances. This study assessed self-perceived illegal drug need in HIDUs based on their experiences. Observations and in-depth qualitative interviews were conducted with 11 HIDUs and with four treatment professionals. The findings revealed three findings concerning the unique experiences and perceptions of HIDUs: (a) Everyday Substance Need caused fear and anxiety, (b) Substance Need was experienced as more urgent than basic survival needs, and (c) HIDU participants attributed misunderstanding and denial of Substance Need to the authorities. It was found that HIDUs suffer from “Substance Insecurity,” which may be defined as the uncertain availability of quality substances (or their substitutes) and uncertain ability to acquire substances/substitutes and safe injection equipment in socially acceptable (or not) ways. Increased awareness of Substance Insecurity for HIDUs as a Substance Security First (SSF) model should be adopted.


SAGE Publications


Psychiatry and Mental health,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Health (social science),Medicine (miscellaneous)

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1. A Kantian Perspective on Agency in Addiction: Cultivating Freedom;Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly;2024-01-29

2. Multi-Dimensional Recovery and Growth Among the Homeless: A Positive Criminology Perspective;International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology;2023-01-05

3. Harm reduction drug policy in Israel: what has been accomplished and what still needs to be done?;Israel Journal of Health Policy Research;2019-10-16








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