1. Standards for Library Schools, 1976
2. International Guide to Library and Information Science Education. A reference source for educationil programs in the information fields world-wide. Ed. by Josephine Riss Fang and Paul Nauta. München. New York, London. Paris: Saur 1985. (IFLA Publications. 32.).
3. Vgl. Russell Bowden and Paul Kaeghein: "The Activities of the IFLA Division on Education and Research during the Years 1979-1983." IFLA Journal 10 (1984) S. 182-187.
4. Library Education Programmes in Developing Countries with Special Reference to Asia. Proceedings of the Unesco/IFLA Pre-Conference Seminar Ed. by Russell Bowden. London: The Library Association; München: Saur 1982. (IFLA Publications. 20.)