1. Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
summary A group of 15 patients with amputee-related diagnoses were given a satisfaction survey after telemedicine assessment. Most of the videoconferencing sessions used an IP connection at 768 kbit/s. The patients were seen at four sites. The average connection time was less than 5min and the average time for a session was approximately 40min. Thirteen questions required scaled responses (poor, fair, good, excellent) and two required yes/no answers. The 13 categories broadly related to satisfaction with the telemedicine service and the quality of specialist care. In all categories, 97% of the responses fell in the good to excellent range. Concerns were raised about ease of access to local telemedicine sites, connection waiting times and lack of familiarity with telemedicine technology. The study showed that telemedicine was acceptable to patients with amputations and provided a reliable assessment of the amputee.
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11 articles.