1. STT Banua Niha Keriso Protestan Sundermann Nias, Indonesia
2. Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Teologi Jakarta, Indonesia
In the moment of grief, people need consolation coming from the very core of human existence: living communication with one’s source of being. This communication ensues stories of life-sustaining one’s self-identity and spiritual vitality. When a story of life enlightens one’s experience of grief, it becomes a curative force for one’s soul-healing process. Yet if the life story becomes ineffective, it needs an “editing” process—or a revision—to get a meaning reconstruction that is more compatible with the grief situation. Using a postcolonial ethnography, we evaluate the pastoral care done by Nias Christian Church for people experiencing grief. We will describe a theoretical framework to argue that pastoral care is fundamentally an editing process of the story of life-sustaining the well-being of the human soul. We, then, will describe the Nias tradition on grief. Finally, we will discuss how the church should develop pastoral care interculturally.
Direktorat Riset Dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Reference48 articles.
1. Innovative moments in grief therapy: The meaning reconstruction approach and the processes of self-narrative transformation
2. BNKP (1939) Amachoita ba Mbanua Niha Keriso si faoedoe ba daroma li Lowalangi, nihonogöi mbanua Niha Keriso Protestant ba danö Nias (Heb 9:1).
3. BNKP (1980) Ketentuan Khusus Pelaksanaan Tertib Gereja di BNKP: Lampiran Surat Keputusan Sinode ke-42/1980 No. 05/SIN-42/1980 tentang Peraturan Penggembalaan. 05/SIN-42/1980.
4. BNKP B (2013) Peraturan Banua Niha Keriso Protestan Nomor 15/BPMS-BNKP/2013 tentang Tertib Penggembalaan. 15/BPMS-BNKP/2013.
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1 articles.