1. Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
2. Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
This paper studies the effects of economic distress on support for radical right parties. Using Swedish election data, I show that one layoff notice among low-skilled native-born workers increases, on average, support for the Swedish radical right party the Sweden Democrats by 0.17–0.45 votes. The relationship between layoff notices and support for the Sweden Democrats is stronger in areas with a high share of low-skilled immigrants and in areas with a low share of high-skilled immigrants. These findings are in line with theories suggesting that economically distressed voters oppose immigration as they fear increased labor market competition. In addition, I use individual-level survey data to show that self-reported unemployment risk is positively associated with voting for the Sweden Democrats among low-skilled respondents while the opposite is true for high-skilled respondents, echoing the aggregate-level findings.
European Research Council
Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation
The PII-project in the NORFACE DIAL program
Lars Hiertas Minne Foundation
Sociology and Political Science
Cited by
34 articles.