1. Creche and Kindergarten Association Ltd, Kedron, QLD, Australia
2. Rockpool Residential Aged Care, Carseldine, QLD, Australia
This paper presents the findings of a ten-week research project exploring the intricacies of a co-located intergenerational program in Southeast Queensland. The research involved an early learning centre, North Early Learning, operated by a large not-for-profit organisation, Queensland Child Learning, and an aged care residence, Aged Care Living (pseudonyms). The research question underpinning this paper focused on identifying the views of educators, children, and families currently attending the early childhood education and care centre who will participate in the co-located intergenerational program. Employing a community-based participatory research approach, the study explores the perspectives of educators, children, and families participating in the program through visual children’s surveys, facilitated interviews, and online surveys. The findings highlight positive attitudes from educators and families toward intergenerational programs, leading to the development of an implementation timeline aligned with the needs of educators, children, and families that are reflective of the unique context of the centre.