1. Haryana School of Business, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar, Haryana
This current study aims to understand the role of exports and foreign direct investment (FDI) in remittances-growth nexus in globalised India for the period 1991–2022. The autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model is employed to test the co-integration among the variables. The long-run and short-run coefficients are estimated after confirmation of co-integration. The results confirm that in the long run, remittances show a negative and insignificant impact on India’s economic growth, while FDI and exports (EXP) have a positive and significant impact on economic growth. Whereas in the short run, remittances have no impact on economic growth, while FDI and inflation have a significant but negative impact on economic growth. Based on the findings, the authorities of the Indian economy are recommended to take appropriate policy steps to make necessary arrangements for increasing exports, attracting more FDI and controlling inflation. JEL Codes: F24, C22, J6, O47