Three controlled trials of interventions to increase recruitment to a randomized controlled trial of mobile phone based smoking cessation support


Free Caroline1,Hoile Elizabeth2,Robertson Steven2,Knight Rosemary2


1. NPHIRU, LSHTM, London, UK,

2. NPHIRU, LSHTM, London, UK


Background Recruitment is a major challenge for trials but there is little evidence regarding interventions to increase trial recruitment. We report three controlled trials of interventions to increase recruitment to the Txt2stop trial. Purpose To evaluate: Trial 1. The impact on registrations of a text message regarding an online registration facility; Trial 2. The impact on randomizations of sending £5 with a covering letter to those eligible to join the trial; Trial 3. The impact on randomizations of text messages containing quotes from existing participants. Methods Single blind controlled trials with allocation concealment. Interventions: Trial 1: A text message regarding our new online registration facility; Trial 2: A letter with £5 enclosed; Trial 3: A series of four text messages containing quotes from participants. The control group in each trial received standard Txt2stop procedures. Results Trial 1: 3.6% (17/470) of the intervention group and 1.1% (5/467) of the control group registered for the trial, risk difference 2.5% (95% CI 0.6—4.5). 0% (0/ 470) of the intervention group and 0.2% (1/467) of the control group registered successfully online, risk difference —0.2 (95% CI —0.6—0.2); Trial 2: 4.5% (11/246) of the intervention group and 0.4% (1/245) of the control group were randomized into the Txt2stop trial, risk difference 4.0% (95% CI 1.4—6.7); Trial 3: 3.5% (14/405) of the intervention group and 0% (0/406) of the control group were randomized into the Txt2stop trial, risk difference 3.5 (95% CI 1.7—5.2). Limitations There were no baseline data available for trial 1. Allocation of participant IDs in trials 2 and 3 were systematic. Conclusion Sending a text message about an online registration facility increased registrations to Txt2stop, but did not increase online registrations. Sending a £5 reimbursement for participants’ time and sending text messages containing quotes from existing participants increased randomizations into the Txt2stop trial. Clinical Trials 2010; 7: 265—273.


SAGE Publications


Pharmacology,General Medicine

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