1. F. James Hoffmann. PhD, is Project Administrator far the Research and Demonstration Project for Improving Vocational Rehabilitation for Learning Disabled Adults and Director of Applied Research and Chief Rehabilitation Psychologist in the Head Trauma Program at Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center. Fishersville, Virginia. Address: Dr. F. James Hoffmann, Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center, Fishersville, VA 22939.
2. Kenneth L. Sheldon. EdD, serves as School Psychologist for the Edgecombe County, North Carolina. Schools.
3. Esther H. Minskoff, PhD. is Research Scientist on the Research and Demonstration Project as well as Professor of special education at James Madison University.
4. Scott W. Sautter, EdS, is a doctoral student in the psychology program at Peabody College of Vanderbilt University.
5. Ernest F. Steidle, MA, is research statistician on the Research and Demonstration Project and Director of Computer Services at Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center.
6. Deborah P. Baker, MEd, is an LD resource teacher in the Dickson County, Tennessee, schools.
7. Mary Beth Bailey, MEd, is a research associate with the Research and Demonstration Project.
8. Laura D. Echols, MEd, is a special education teacher with Augusta County, Virginia, schools.