1. George W. Hynd is research professor of special education and psychology and director, Center for Clinical and Developmental Neuropsychology, University of Georgia, Athens. Address: George W. Hynd, Center for Clinicol ond Developmental Neuropsychology, Deportment of Speckal Educotion, EXC-Aderhold HoIL University of Georgio, Athens, GA 30602.
2. Margaret Semrud-Clikeman is a Neuroscience Fellow in the Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetis General Hospital, Boston.
3. Alison R. Lorys is a child neuropsychologist at North Short University Hospital, Manhasset, New York.
4. Edward S. Novey is medical director, Athens Magnetic Imaging, Athens, Georgia.
5. Deborah Ellopulos is a radiologic technologist, Athens Magnetic Imaging, Athens, Georgia.
6. Heikki Lyytinen is a senior scientist with the Finnish Academy of Science, Department of Psychology, University of Jyvaskyla, Jyvaskyla, Finland.