1. Beverly J. Campbell is a resource/self-contained teacher of students with behavior disorders, learning disabilities, and mild mental retardation in Aldine (Texas) Independent School District. Her interest in peer tutoring and data-based academics led to the present study, which served as the thesis of her master's in education degree in special education at the University of Houston.
2. Michael P. Brady received his PhD from Vanderbilt University in special education. He is an associate professor in the Department of Educational Psychology and coordinator of special education programs at the University of Houston. His research interests include behavioral instructional strategies, social integration, and teacher training programs for students with substantial handicaps.
3. Sharon Linehan is a doctoral student in special education at the University of Houston and a training specialist with the Region IV (Southeast Texas) Educational Service Center. Her research interests include functional assessment, instructional expectations, and communication competence among students with severe handicaps. Address: Michael P. Brady, Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204-5874.