1. Peter C. Griswold, EdD. is a resource room teacher with the Milburn Public Schools, Milburn, New Jersey. This study is based on his doctoral dissertation, completed through the Department of Special Education, Teachers College, Columbia University. He is interested in children's use of learning and memory strategies in the classroom.
2. Lynn M. Gelzheiser, EdD, is assistant professor in the Department of Educational Psychology and Statistics, State University of New York at Albany. Her interests include instruction designed to enhance strategy use, appropriate assessment, and mainstreaming.
3. Margaret Jo Shepherd, EdD, is associate professor and coordinator of the Learning Disabilities Program at Teachers College, Columbia University. Currently, she is interested in beginning reading instruction for children who are at risk for reading disability. Address: Margaret Jo Shepherd, Box 223, Depariment of Special Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027.