1. Wilyun S. Donaldson received degree his EdD from the University of Virginia in 1968. From 1974 to the present he has been affiliated with the National Center, Educational Media and Materials for the Handicapped, Ohio State University. Now as Associate Director, he Cordinated preparation of the NIMIS proposal and the appeal documentation.
2. Thomas M. Stephaenphns is chairman of Exceptional Children, Colfege of Education, Ohio State University. Wfth termination of federal funding for NCEMMH In Auguest 1977, Dr. Stephens became executive director of the Center. He hoa been instrumental int coordinating the faculty's expertise with NCEMMKa mission. Requests for reptints should be addressed to Dr. Donaldson, NCEMMH, Ohio State Uniucnfty, Columbua, Ohfo 43210