1. Lynn J. Meltzer is director of psycho—educational services and research in the Division of Ambulatory Pediatrics at the Children's Hospital, Boston. She received her PhD in psychology from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. South Africa. Address: Dr. Lynn Meltzer, Psycho-Educational Services, Division of Ambulatory Pediatrics, The Children's Hospital, 300 Longwood Avenue, Fegan 5, Boston. Massachusetts 02115.
2. Melvin D. Levine is the chief of the division of ambulatory pediatrics. Children's Hospital, Boston. He received his MD in Pediatrics from Harvard University.
3. Walt Karniski is director of behavioral and developmental pediatrics, All Children's Hospital, St. Petersburg, Florida. He received his MD in pediatrics from the University of Kansas and was a fellow in developmental pediatrics at Children's Memorial Hospital, Boston.
4. Judith S. Palfrey is associate director of the community services program, and associate in medicine at Children's Hospital, Boston. She received her MD from Columbia. University, College of Physicians and Surgeons.
5. Sinon Clarke is in the pediatrics department Westmead Center, Westwead, Australia. He received his FCP in Pediatrics from University of Sydney. Australia.