1. From Broken Windows to Busy Streets
2. Aulds Allison. 2020. “Sidewalk Chalk Used to Spread Joy Amid Pandemic.” WebMD, March 25. https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20200325/sidewalk-chalk-used-to-spread-joy-amid-pandemic.
3. Baker Mike. 2020. “Seeing ‘Black Lives Matter’ Written in Chalk, One City Declares It a Crime.” The New York Times, July 16. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/16/us/sidewalk-chalk-police-selah-washington.html
4. ‘We are still here’: The impacts of street music and street art during the 2020 London lockdowns
5. Bela John, Muessig Anna, Klimes Kasey, Jones Tyler, Mackay Ian, Dockstader Celsa. 2017. Crossing the Street: A Case Study in Creative Placemaking, Washington DC. San Francisco: Gehl / San Francisco. https://issuu.com/gehlarchitects/docs/crossingthestreet_gehl_casestudy