1. University of Nebraska–Lincoln, USA
The Problem While the time and place of the birth of the Academy of Human Resource Development are documented, the field of human resource development (HRD) has historical roots that began decades earlier with the emergence of training and development and organization development as fields of practice. The Solution This article addresses the early history of training and development and organization development, and begins with the influence of World War II on work-related education and training and ends in the mid-1990s. It traces the origins of the field up to, but not including, the founding of the Academy of Human Resource Development in 1994. The historical development of training and development and organization development is shown to be a confluence of historical events and the intellectual contributions of seminal thinkers. The Stakeholders Stakeholders for this article are researchers, practitioners, and others interested in the history of training and development and organization development.
Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
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21 articles.