1. I. Beadle, G. W. "Gene Structure and Gene Action." Zechmeister, L. (Editor). Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Products, XII (1955), 466-484.
2. Beadle, G. W. "The Gene: Carrier of Heredity, Controller of Function and Agent of Evolution." Nieuwland Lectures in Chemistry and Biology, University of Notre Dame, VII (1955), I-24.
3. Carter, G. S. "Evolution." Kroeber, A. L. (Editor). Anthropology Today , Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1953, 327-342.
4. David, P. R. and Snyder, L. H. " Genetic Variability and Human Behavior." Rohrer, J. H., and Sherif, M. Social Psychology at the Crossroads. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1951, 53-82.
5. Gene Mechanisms and Behavior