In November 1998 an International Conference on National Bibliographic Services (ICNBS) agreed recommendations that took into account changes in format, technology and communications since 1977. The current national bibliographies of 11 southern African countries adhere to these recommendations to varying degrees. National Bibliographic Agencies, mostly located in national libraries or national archives, with different parent bodies, are responsible for the bibliographies, except for Lesotho and Swaziland. Nine of the countries have legal deposit; four of them have revised the relevant law since 1990. All the bibliographies are produced as print on paper, only Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland offering alternatives. DDC is used by seven countries. The lag between dates of publication of works and publication of the national bibliography is between three and six years for six of the countries; South Africa and Swaziland are the most effective in timeliness of publication and distribution. Three countries have not automated their national bibliographies. Those bibliographies that are regularly published meet many of the ICNBS recommendations.
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