1. Meeting the Universe Halfway
2. Barad K (2012) What Is the Measure of Nothingness? Infinity, Virtuality, Justice. dOCUMENTA (13): Book No. 099.
3. TransMaterialities: Trans*/Matter/Realities and Queer Political Imaginings
4. Barad K (2022) On touching the stranger within: The alterity that therefore I am, lecture for The Poetry Project. Available at: https://www.poetryproject.org/library/poems-texts/on-touching-the-stranger-within-the-alterity-that-therefore-i-am (accessed: 17 December 2022).
5. Barad K (2024) Energetics of the otherwise – Material wanderings/wonderings: The materiality of imagining, the imaginings of materiality, in Klima no. 6, Mutabiliities, pp. 26–38.