1. Federal University of Pernambuco - Geographic Sciences, Brazil
The perspectives of Brazilian geography for the twenty-first century are guided by a conception of the world that highlights differences and a theoretical-methodological attitude that favors the dialogue and mixture of approaches, theories, and methods. In Brazilian geography, the highlighting of differences and dialogues informs geographical perspectives that value the space of the ‘insider's point of view’ as well as a theoretically and methodologically less unilateral and more multidimensional approach. Examples of these trends include (1) research on the production of space from the standpoint of people's everyday lives and critiquing the spaces of capitalism, racism, and sexism; (2) integrative approaches to landscape studies of environmental problems at the local scale; (3) autonomous socio-spatial practices in both rural and urban areas. A plural, mixtured, and creative geography with political, social, and environmental engagement will be one of the contributions of Brazilian geographical thought that will shape the geographies of the future.
Geography, Planning and Development