1. The Ohio State University
A major challenge facing leadership development programs is the discontinuity between their short-term nature and their long-term goals. This article describes a programmatic response to this problem: leadership portfolios. Developed for use in the Tri District Collaborative, a coalition of three high schools in Oakland County Michigan, the portfolio system enhances students' leadership abilities by extending the learning begun in the Tri District's year-long Student Leadership Academy. Although experience with the use of portfolios in leadership development remains in its early stages, they appear to hold considerable promise as a strategy for extending, enriching, and deepening a wide variety of leadership programs.
Reference31 articles.
1. Camp, Roberta, and Denise Stavis Levine . (1991) Portfolios Evolving: Background and Variations in Sixth- Through Twelfth-Grade Classrooms. In Portfolios: Process and Product, edited by Pat Belanoff and Macia Dickson, pp. 194-205. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Publishers .
2. Using Portfolios to Assess Student Performance in School Health Education