Topologies of Power


Collier Stephen J.1


1. Program in International Affairs at the New School,


The publication of Michel Foucault’s lectures at the Collège de France in the late 1970s has provided new insight into crucial developments in his late work, including the return to an analysis of the state and the introduction of biopolitics as a central theme. According to one dominant interpretation, these shifts did not entail a fundamental methodological break; the approach Foucault developed in his work on knowledge/power was simply applied to new objects. The present article argues that this reading — which is colored by the overwhelming privilege afforded to Discipline and Punish in secondary literature — obscures an important modification in Foucault’s method and diagnostic style that occurred between the introduction of biopolitics in 1976 (in Society Must Be Defended) and the lectures of 1978 ( Security, Territory, Population) and 1979 ( Birth of Biopolitics). Foucault’s initial analysis of biopolitics was couched in surprisingly epochal and totalizing claims about the characteristic forms of power in modernity. The later lectures, by contrast, suggest what I propose to call a ‘topological’ analysis that examines the ‘patterns of correlation’ in which heterogeneous elements — techniques, material forms, institutional structures and technologies of power — are configured, as well as the redeployments through which these patterns are transformed. I also indicate how attention to the topological dimension of Foucault’s analysis might change our understanding of key themes in his late work: biopolitics, the analysis of thinking, and the concept of governmentality.


SAGE Publications


General Social Sciences,Sociology and Political Science

Reference45 articles.

1. Neoliberalism: From New Liberal Philosophy to Anti-Liberal Slogan

2. New State Spaces

3. Callon, M. and B. Latour ( 1981) ‘Unscrewing the Big Leviathan: How Actors Macrostructure Reality and How Sociologists Help Them to Do So’, pp. 277-303 in K.D. Knorr-Cetina and A.V. Cicourel (eds) Advances in Social Theory and Methodology: Toward an Integration of Micro- and Macro-Sociologies. Boston, MA: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

4. Enacting catastrophe: preparedness, insurance, budgetary rationalization

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