1. Department of Internal Medicine, Kuala Lumpur Hospital, Ministry of Health, Malaysia
2. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Kuala Lumpur Hospital, Ministry of Health, Malaysia
3. Department of Pathology, Kuala Lumpur Hospital, Ministry of Health, Malaysia
Over the decades, rhinosporidiosis has remained an enigma. It is a recalcitrant disease caused by Rhinosporidium seeberi, primarily affecting the nasal cavity, conjunctiva, and less frequently involved sites, including skin, urethra, and others. We report a case of a local from Sabah who has presented with recurring symptoms of nasal obstruction and epistaxis for two decades. He had previously undergone multiple endoscopic excisional surgeries before receiving treatment at our centre. Otorhinolaryngeal examination revealed polypoidal masses occupying bilateral nasal cavities with a perforation of the nasal septum. He underwent surgical resection of the lesions, and the histopathological examination confirmed recurrent rhinosporidiosis. Due to its sporistatic effects, dapsone was chosen as the pharmacological treatment in this case. However, after a year of follow-up, he developed similar symptoms and the endoscopic findings, indicated a recurrence of the disease. The histopathological samples obtained during the repeated surgery for recurrent polypoidal masses, confirmed the diagnosis of rhinosporiodiosis. As the disease poses diagnostic and therapeutic challenges, clinicians should be prudent in establishing the diagnosis in non-endemic areas, such as Malaysia, and evaluating the possibility of recurrence.