1. Banet-Weiser S (2018) Popular feminism: Feminist flashpoints. Los Angeles Review of Books, 5 October. Available at: https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/popular-feminism-feminist-flashpoints/ (accessed 8 March 2024).
2. Berman E, Ronk L (n.d.) More from the scene of that famous V-J Day Kiss in Times Square. Life, n.d. Available at: https://www.life.com/history/v-j-day-kiss-times-square/ (accessed 14 May 2024).
3. Breslaw A (2012) Iconic VJ Day photograph ‘Sailor Kiss’ decried as depiction of sexual aassault. Jezebel, 6 October. Available at: https://www.jezebel.com/iconic-vj-day-photograph-sailor-kiss-decried-as-depic-5949555 (accessed 29 May 2024).
4. Ernst D (2019) George Mensonsa’s death brings out #MeToo vandals; statue depicting ‘The Kiss’ defaced. The Washington Post, 19 February. Available at: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/feb/19/george-mendonsas-death-brings-out-metoo-vandals-st/ (accessed 29 May 2024).
5. A roundtable discussion of Kathryn Claire Higgins and Sarah Banet-Weiser’s Believability: Sexual Violence, Media and the Politics of Doubt