1. Myrna L. Armttrong, RN, EdD, FAAN, is a professor at the school of nursing, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX. She has published numerous articles and has prepared educational mtterials for students on tattooing and body piercing.
2. Lynne Kelly, RN, MSN, has been a school nurse at a middle school and high school in Austin, TX. Currently she is an instructor at the school of nursing, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas
This journal presented the first nursing information on adolescents and tattooing 6 years ago, and 5 years ago, information was provided about body piercing. These were published to help school nurses assist adolescents become informed decision makers. Another purpose was to prevent risks and, if possible, help dissuade adolescents from tattooing and body piercing. Continuing this theme, the latest information and trends are reported and discussed, and new information on scarification and branding is presented. If an adolescent wants some form of body art (tattooing, body piercing, or branding), they will often obtain it regardless of regulations, risks, or money. School nurses can take a powerful, proactive role by sharing applicable information, realistic concerns, and care instructions about tattooing, body piercing, and branding. Specific information, risks, and care about each form of procedure is presented. A convenient reference table is available for nurses and students. Additionally, nursing actions are suggested including making changes in health policies regarding body art on a local and state level.
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19 articles.