1. Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, PA, USA
School-based body mass index (BMI) screening is required in 50% of states with parent notification letters distributed among 11 of those states. Additional research is needed to effectively communicate screening results to parents. We conducted a pilot investigation of parent acceptability of an electronic, interactive BMI parental notification letter (e-BMI) along with the feasibility of implementing an e-BMI letter in the school setting. In addition, we assessed parental attitudes and practices regarding their child’s weight-related behaviors. Electronic letter distribution and parent receipt were consistent with traditional paper letter mailings; however, we did not observe any significant behavioral impacts with either letter format. Parents reported interest in wellness programming offered by the school, a potential opportunity for schools to engage families in healthful practices. Additional research is needed to understand the impact of e-BMI letters and accompanying web-based resources specifically for parents of students with overweight or obesity.
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences