1. Akhilesh Prasad is currently pursuing a Doctor of Business Administration from S. P. Jain School of Global Management, Dubai–Mumbai–Singapore–Sydney. In the past, he has worked on software technology. His core area of interest is quantitative finance and computational finance. He is currently working on building predictive modelling of financial asset in stock market using machine and deep learning algorithms, some of which are already submitted to ABDC journals and under review.
2. A. Seetharaman is currently serving as the Dean of Research, S P Jain School of Global Management. He has published more than 340 articles in peer-reviewed journals listed in ISI Thomson Clarivate Analytics, ABDC etc. His research interest lies in developing a model to identify the research gaps in the latest articles published in top-graded journals. These research gaps are transformed into research problems, research questions, research objectives and hypotheses.