1. Abbott, David W., and Edward T. Rogowsky (Eds.). Political Parties: Leadership, Organization, Linkage. Pp. xii, 539. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1970. $6.95.
2. Adams, D.K., and H.B. Rodgers. An Atlas of North American Affairs. Pp. vii, 135. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1970 . Cloth— $5.00. Paper—$2.50.
3. Akehurst, Michael. A Modern Introduction to International Law. Pp. 367. New York: Atherton Press, 1970. $9.50.
4. Allen, Christopher, and R. W. Johnson (Eds.). African Perspectives: Papers in the History, Politics and Economics of Africa Presented to Thomas Hodgkin. Pp. xx, 439. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1971. $17.50.
5. Allen, Francis R. Socio-cultural Dynamics: An Introduction to Social Change. Pp. x, 396. New York: Macmillan , 1971. $8.95.