“We Are Flying Like a Fish”: Female Academics in Social Work in Hungary


Erdos Marta B.12ORCID,Jávor Rebeka2ORCID


1. Department of Community and Social Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary

2. Social Innovation Evaluation Research Center, University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary


Social 1 work was reintroduced to Hungary during the third wave of democratization in Europe. As an academic discipline, it is in a disadvantaged position: the domestic academic traditions prefer strict disciplinary boundaries to inter- or transdisciplinary integration. Ongoing reforms in the country highlight the economic gains and the societal mission of higher education, with a strong focus on internationalization and direct connections to professional practice. Unfortunately, in this new framework, social work is understood as an auxiliary profession. This, in combination with female academics’ unfavorable position in Hungary, establishes a situation in which gender-based and disciplinary disadvantages result in a negative synergy. To explore the potential impacts, we maintain a dual focus throughout the paper and analyze academic women's position and the position of academics in social work.


SAGE Publications


Social Sciences (miscellaneous),Gender Studies

Reference68 articles.

1. Women academics and research productivity: an international comparison

2. Az MTA Nők a Kutatói Életpályán Elnöki Bizottsága. (2022). Az MTA Nők a Kutatói Életpályán Elnöki Bizottságának Állásfoglalása az Állami Számvevőszék 2022-ben közzétett „Pink education” jelenség Magyarországon?! A felsőfokú végzettséggel rendelkező nők túlreprezentáltságának tényezői és gazdaságitársadalmi hatásai című tanulmányáról. [Resolution of the Presidential Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Women in Research Careers on the study “Pink education” phenomenon in Hungary?! The overrepresentation published by the State Audit Office in 2022]. https://mta.hu/data/dokumentumok/nok-a-kutatai-eletpalyan-bizottsag/Allasfoglalas.pdf.








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