1. Rubinstein WD, Rubinstein HL. Menders of the mind: a history of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists 1946–1996. Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1996, p.26.
2. Drug Companies and CME: Prohibition, Declaration or Engagement?
3. Does Drug Promotion Adversely Influence Doctors' Abilities to Make the Best Decisions for Patients?
4. Views of Psychiatrists and Trainees on Drug Company Involvement in CME Activities
5. For example, advertisements courtesy of the Sir John Ramsay Memorial Library, Launceston General Hospital, Australia. (a) Miltown (meprobamate) as ‘An effective adjunct to psychotherapy.’ Am J Psychiatry 1965; 121(8): inside front cover; (b) Elavil HCL (amitriptyline HCl) is given a double-spread and the statement, ‘Extends the reach of psychotherapy.’ Am J Psychiatry 1965; 122 (3).