Mental health of the Pacific Island Nation communities: What the rest in the world can contribute to and learn from?


Shidhaye Rahul12ORCID


1. Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences, Loni, India

2. Department of Health, Ethics and Society, Care and Public Health Research Institute, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands


Introduction Creating Futures initiative has established a network of mental health professionals, researchers, and community members from the Pacific Island Nations (PIN), Australia, and New Zealand to address the growing challenges of mental health conditions compounded by the climate change crisis. The enormous amount of work done in Global Mental Health can be particularly helpful to improve population-level mental health. However, translation of this evidence base into practice poses several challenges. Objective This perspective paper discusses the role of local culture and health systems context in determining the feasibility and acceptability of implementing and scaling up evidence-based interventions designed in an American-European context. The paper also advocates development (and evaluation) of mental health interventions in the PIN communities particularly and Global South generally and exporting these interventions to the rest of the world. Conclusions COVID-19 crisis underlined the role of global cooperation as well as national level ‘self-reliance’. In this post COVID-19 world, it will be desirable for the mental health community to cooperate and collaborate to scale up evidence-based interventions through rigorous contextualization and at the same time main-stream mental health interventions developed in the Global South by incorporating them in the Global Mental Health discourse.


SAGE Publications







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