1. Babich, A.F. A Comparison of Two Methods for Digital Computer Simulation of Systems in Which There Are Continuous Change and Intermittent Intervals of Complex Activity PhD dissertation Carnegie-Mellon University Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania a Order no. 72-12605 1972 162 pp.
2. Bailey, R.G. Szwarc, J.R. A GASP IV Simulation of Tactical Air Interdiction Using a Choice of Weapons Loads and Continuously Changing Weather Conditions MS thesis Air Force Institute of Technology Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Systems and Logistics AD/A-006 349/SSS 1975 166 pp.
3. Baxter, R.C. Norden's Combined GPSS and CSMP Capability Norden Report 4381 R 0039 Norwalk, Connecticut 1972 11 pp.