1. Coronary capacitance
2. Epicardial Coronary Artery Compliance in the Dog
3. J.M. Downey, J. Lee and D.E. Chambers. Location and magnitude of the coronary artery capacitance. In Mechanics of the Coronary Circulation, edited Nerem and P.D. Stein. The American Soc. of Mechanical Eng (1983). p. 45.
4. C. Eng and E.S. Kirk. The arterial component of the coronary capacitance. In Mechanics of the Coronary Circulation, edited by R.E. Mates, R.M. Nerem American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York , (1983). p. 49.
5. R.E. Mates, T. Burns, J.M. Canty, R. Greenberg and J. Neeson. Modeling diastolic impedance to coronary blood flow. In Mechanics of the Coronary Cir. R.E. Mates, R.M. Nerem and P.D. Stein. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, (1983). p. 41.