Strength Training Perceptions Amongst Vocational Circus and Dance Students


Farmer Claire1ORCID,De’Ath Stephanie23,Brouner James4


1. Dance Science, Middlesex University, London, UK

2. Student Welfare, London Studio Centre, UK

3. Dance Science, London Contemporary Dance School, UK

4. Sport and Exercise Science, Kingston University London, UK


Introduction: The aim of this study was to analyze perceptions of strength training in vocational circus and dance students. It was hypothesized that due to the higher relative strength demands and associated risks of working at height in some aerial and acrobatic disciplines that circus students would be more open to strength training than dancers. Methods: Eighty students completed the Training Information Survey (TIS) (Mean age = 20.74 ± 2.71); 39 circus students and 41 dance students. 97% of circus students and 69% of dance participants reported that strength training was a required part of their training with students participating in strength training 4.24 ± 0.98 and 3.05 ± 1.42 day per week respectively. Results: Perceptions of strength training amongst vocational circus and dance students appear to be favorable, with both sets of students strongly agreeing with the statements “Strength training is essential to my overall development as a dancer/circus artist” (5.00 (IQR 1.00) and 5.00 (IQR 1.00) respectively). Following Bonferonni correction only one statement returned statistically significant results with dance students agreeing more strongly with the statement “Strength training increases muscle size,” U = 473.00, P = .001. Students also agreed that strength training helped them to feel better mentally and physically, that strength training is beneficial for both men and women and that it should not be designated as specific to either sex. Conclusion: Results support earlier studies that suggest a cultural shift in perceptions of strength training and ideal esthetic in dance, particularly amongst students and that they are keen to incorporate strength training into their practice. Educational establishments should note students’ interest in participating in strength training, reviewing how to embed effective strength training education, more coaching and time allowance for these activities within their timetable. Further research with a greater sample size is recommended to further substantiate these indications of a shift in perceptions.


SAGE Publications


General Medicine







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