Ultrastructural studies on the localization of neurohypophysial hormones and their carrier proteins.


Silverman A J


Neurophysin, vasopressin and oxytocin were localized in different portions of the supraopticohypophysial tract (SHT) using the unlabeled antibody enzyme technique at the ultrastructural level. In vasopressin-positive supraoptic perikarya, vasopressin and neurophysin were present in all neurosecretory granules. Within the zona interna of the median eminence, vasopressin and neurophysin were present in two populations of axons, one with granules of 1300-1500 A and one with granules of 900-1300 A. Following exposure of thin sections of median eminence to antiserum to neurophysin, reaction products were present in granules and in the extragranular cytoplasm in the axons with larger granules; in all other cases reaction product was confined to the granules. Vasopressin-positive fibers were also presented in large numbers of the zona externa of the median eminence and many terminated on the pituitary primary portal plexus. A few oxytocin fibers were present on the portal capillaries in the infundibular stalk. In the posterior pituitary all axon profiles were neurophysin positive. Neurophysin was present as both a granular and cytoplasmic pool. Vasopressin-containing axons account for 90% of the neuronal elements in the posterior pituitary and oxytocin for the remaining 10%. Findings on the subcellular distribution of these peptides are related to current theories on transport and release of neurohormones.


SAGE Publications



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