1. University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA
2. Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA
The purpose of this research was to investigate the construct validity of the Children’s Music-Related Behavior Questionnaire (CMRBQ), an instrument designed for parents to document music-related behaviors about their children and themselves. The research problem was to examine the hypothesized factorial structure of the questionnaire. From a national sample, parents of children 5 years old or younger returned 616 usable questionnaires. Items were parceled, and the model was subjected to a confirmatory factor analysis to assess the goodness of model-data fit for a one-factor solution using the parcels as indicators. Internal consistency of subscale reliability estimates ranged from α = .77 to α = .97. Three multiple fit indices suggested that the one-factor model adequately fit the data: standardized root square residual (.028), comparative fit index (.968), and Tucker-Lewis index (.955). Greater knowledge regarding parents’ observations of music’s role in children’s development may help researchers, practitioners, parents, and policy makers collaboratively consider how best to meet musical needs of young children in childcare and school settings.
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12 articles.