1. Postdigital Aesthetics
2. de Barros P (2020) A happy ending for Seattle’s Bop Street Records: A nonprofit buys up the entire collection. The Seattle Times, 15 May. Available at: https://www.seattletimes.com/entertainment/music/a-happy-ending-for-seattles-bop-street-records-a-nonprofit-buys-up-the-entire-collection/ (accessed 15 April 2021).
3. Discogs (2021) The state of Discogs 2020: End-of-year report. Available at: https://blog.discogs.com/en/discogs-end-of-year-report-2020/ (accessed 16 April 2021).
4. Discogs (n.d.a) About Discogs. Available at: https://www.discogs.com/about (accessed 16 April 2021).
5. Discogs (n.d.b) Shop vinyl records, CDs, and more. Available at: https://www.discogs.com/sell/list (accessed 2 November 2021).