More Than 20 Years of Research into the Quality of Life of People with HIV and AIDS—A Descriptive Review of Study Characteristics and Methodological Approaches of Published Empirical Studies


Drewes Jochen1,Gusy Burkhard1,Rüden Ursula von2


1. Public Health: Prevention and Psychosocial Health Research, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany

2. Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA), Köln, Germany


Background: The quality of life of people living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA) is becoming increasingly important--a fact that is also reflected in extensive research efforts. Owing to the almost complete lack of systematic integration of research findings, it is hardly possible to provide an overview of the current status of research, or to derive valid statements about research results. Methods: A literature search regarding the quality of life of PLWHA was performed in two international research databases. After checking their relevance, 852 publications appearing in scientific journals and explicitly measuring the quality of life of PLWHA were categorized on the basis of various study characteristics. Results: The number of publications per year in our study pool has been rising steadily since 1989. Well over 40 established instruments were used to determine the quality of life, most frequently the MOS-HIV, followed by the SF-36. The great majority of the studies are correlation studies. CD4 cells, gender, and age are the most common variables for which correlations with quality of life are reported. Conclusions: Our descriptive review stresses both the increasing significance and the challenges of research into quality of life of PLWHA such as the great variety of instruments used. The limits of this review are discussed and we conclude with the formulation of research desiderata concerning comparative review studies on instruments and systematic reviews of frequent research questions.


SAGE Publications


Infectious Diseases,Dermatology,Immunology







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