Human colonic mucosa was immunostained with antibodies against substance P to identify the endocrine cells containing this peptide in the mucosal glands. Dual immunohistochemical and histochemical studies were also carried out to determine whether these cells are enterochromaffin cells and contain serotonin as claimed in the literature. The results obtained indicate that the normal human colonic substance P-producing cells are not argentaffin cells, nor do they contain serotonin. In addition, they are also negative both for several silver and for other techniques commonly used to identify digestive endocrine cells. They are positive, however, with the argyrophilic technique of Churukian-Schenk. It is concluded, therefore, that the substance P-producing cells of the human colonic mucosa are not a subpopulation of the enterochromaffin cells, but constitute a distinct and independent cell type.
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