Reform Imperatives for Israel’s Future: Balancing Haredi Growth and the Nation’s Democratic Liberal Foundations


Noeske Elias1ORCID,Paulsen Aaron1,Gressing Antonia1


1. Regensburg University of Applied Sciences (OTH), Germany and The Lowy International School, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel


The rapid growth of the Haredi community in Israel presents significant challenges to the nation’s democratic and liberal foundations. This article explores the demographics and implications of the Haredi population growth, emphasizing the need for reform to balance Haredi growth and Israel’s West-aligned core values. It proposes strategies to address key areas such as education, employment, women’s empowerment, queer rights, military and national service, security implications, and the influence of the Haredi community on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and Zionism. By promoting integration, accommodating diverse perspectives, and fostering open dialogue, Israel can navigate this complex situation and create a more inclusive society that upholds its foundational values. The article acknowledges the need for respectful and empathetic dialogue while recognizing the limitations of this perspective. The proposed reforms can be a starting point for discussion and collaboration, potentially inspiring similar efforts in other religious communities worldwide. Israel’s willingness and ability to unite its religious and secular worlds will determine its long-term identity as a democratic and inclusive homeland for the Jewish people.


SAGE Publications


Political Science and International Relations,Economics and Econometrics,Sociology and Political Science,Cultural Studies







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